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Hi there, My name is Moriel Liberman and I’m a Product Designer and Graphic Designer. I'm passionate about beautiful and smart designs, and I thrive on finding visual and functional solutions for users and their needs.
You are welcome to visit my Portfolio or read more about me.

In a nutshell
I’ve gained over a dozen years of experience in the digital design industry, providing various skills, solutions and services.
Product Design

As a Product Designer I start with recognizing the purpose of the product and its user. Following, I bring ideas, create sketches, make wireframes and prototypes and finally I unite them all to a designed product.

Front End Design

While being creative with the design, I always take into consideration the required code (HTML/CSS/JS). This gives me a better perspective and insights to maximize the final outcome.

Graphic Design

I must always balance between the rules I need to meet up with whilst being innovative and creative. The final message needs to be well understood - on a UI design as well as on any other design.

SEO & Accessibility

Creating a well built web page or app for improving the organic SEO and making it accessible are highly required for the product success.

Moriel Portfolio
Product Design

I've been designing, building and UXing websites and applications since 2008. I believe that great UI should come with a UX understanding and its role as a fundamental milestone in the design process. A user need is translated from research to wireframe, fidelity prototypes, design and testing.

Graphic Design

As a pixel perfect oriented designer I’m excited watching creative, smart and high quality designs. Whether it’s a logo, a banner or a poster, the design principles of hierarchy, clearity and optimized composition must lead the way.

Skills & Tools

Being a multidisciplinary person really assists with my job, being as a UX and UI Designer. I take an idea, sketch it and make it dynamic, while always trying to find the most ideal - creative yet practical - visual and useful solutions for a product.
For that, an end to end doing and escorting is the way of designers life.

UX & Protoype
Adobe XD
Axure & Invision (basic)
JS & JQuery (basic)
Dev Tools
Visual Studio
Wordpress & Elementor (basic)
Foundation (Zurb)
Inky (Zurb)
Always in Mind
SEO & Semantics
Previous Work Experience 2008-2020
  • Lead the UX, UI and Front End Design of the company's New Website from user research, wireframe and design, to full implemented website (HTML/SCSS/JS) and user testing.
  • Designed and implemented Front End Design of new features on the company's Website, Affiliates Program Website and various Newsletters whilst support for 32 languages.
  • Designed screens for Android App and Web App.
  • Designed for Print - Annual Reports. e.g.

All designs were made with a high consideration of the User Experience alongside Responsiveness, Regulation, SEO and Accessibility requirements.

  • Designed Mobile Applications.
  • Designed dozens of Websites, Landing pages and Newsletters.
  • Front End Design - HTML/CSS and XML for building Websites.
  • Designed Logos and Marketing Banners.
  • Designed with Front End Design - Websites, Landing Pages and Newsletters.
  • Managed ongoing interaction with customers.
Moriel Liberman photo
A little about Moriel
  • B.Ed.Des Graduate with Excellence in Visual Communications from The NB Haifa School of Design - Wizo Academy of design and education.
  • User Experience class Graduate from Netcraft Academy.
  • Enjoying and collecting creative designs (digital and non-digital).
  • Amateur photographer that loves capturing unique compositions and life's little moments.
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