UX/UI at Plus50 -
Sections and Features

Every page contain sections, and each section contains unique elements and design which must follow the layout, design and athmosphere - or - break them in some cases. Using design trends along side with product requiremens, and using the place for innovative design while taking into account the code solutions, gives the opportunity of making various designs, following the same rules.
E.G: Several designed sections - online projects and tests

Client Plus500
Industry Finance
Year 2016-2019
Homepage main section sample with laptop and mobile phone
Proffesional account page with text and mobile devices
Invite a friend section with hands holding phones illustration
Proffesional account graphs
Proffesional account details
Website sections mobile view - hero and numbers
Website sections mobile view - sponsorship and platforms
Webpage section of Atletico de Madrid sponsorship
Landing page section of Cannabis CFDs
Homepage sections with text, mobile devices and trading platform screenshots
Economic calendat table
Main section for Brexit
Milestones section with bullets
Section shows zero fees
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